Rüden / dogs
Hündinnen / bitches
1. Ch.Uniquecottage Bright Gold
2. Davmar Viking Arrow
3. Kervaig Picador
Res. Doonrae Virtuoso
VHC Ch.Caldwall Connor
1. Cloverbrook Noella
2. Ch.Spawyche Elizabethan Cameo
3. Fryuplain Velour at Brenndarcy
Res. Cloverbrook Cleopatra
Special Puppy
Special Puppy
1. Cadagio As Good as it Gets
2. Cloverbrook Ultimate Force
3. Sybster Sping Time
Res. Rocasoval Good Luck Charm
VHC Vanajam Three Wishes for Tycadno
1. Birselaw Special Moment
2.Cadagio Catch me if you can
3. Gyncairn Dancing Queen
Res. Crowneast Sugar Babe
VHC Uniquecottage Glengettie
Special Junior
Special Junior
1. Cloverbrook Silver Rebel
2. Ock Ross I´m the Boss
3. Birselaw Billy the Kid of Kapplegill
Res. Twohoots Arthur
VHC Carradine Master Guy for Luvemal
1. Penticharm Time to Party
2. Honeyhall Hijinx
3. Kedvaiy Pascali
Res. Ring that Bellle for Malmay
VHC Cherrycrack Chasing Aimee
Special Yearling
Special Yearling
1. Junetta Ludycrous
2. Carradine Penford
3. Olsakers Edvin at Blueyell
Res. Ock Ross I´m the Boss
VHC Seveek Country Rambler to Svendalens
1. Hjohoo´s Hjour Loving Knock me off
2. Tycadno Memphis Belle
3. Glenrood Magic Solitaire
Res. Cairngold Coral
VHC Carradine Echo
Post Graduate
Post Graduate
1. Vanajam Halloween
2. Hydecastle Flic-Flac for Carradine
3. Tolimaura Chace
Res. Glenmear Malfoy
VHC Castleline Prince Harry
1. Penticharm Burning Desire
2. Spawyche Dawn Chorus at Gyncairn
3. Spawyche Elizabethan Pearl
Res. Oudenarde Belle Amour
VHC Castleline Gracious
1. Cannwood Augurey
2. Correnie Altissimo
3. Sarachelle the Helmsman
Res. Anjofra Golf Papa Lima
VHC Twihoots Advent Oberon
1. Vanajam Trick a Treat
2. Glenrood Forever Beauty
3. Stradivarius Sonata
Res. Wellingley What Now
VHC Glenchess Gold Myrtle
1. Ch.Carradine Toblerone
2. Ch.Stryveling Ivanhoe
3. Ch.Hjohoo´s Dreamin´of Diamonds to Hjo
Res. Ch.Birselaw Billy Fury
VHC Ch. Cloverbrook Loaded Dice
HC Ch. Uniquecottage Tidy Shoes
C Ch. Sensei´s Sweet Dublin
1. Ch.Penticharm Celtic Princess
2. Ch.Larchlea Looks Like Heaven
3. Olsakers Carrie at Blueyell
Res. Oudenarde Buffy´s Angel
VHC Ch.Cairngold Charcoal
HC Kanawha Listen Again
C Olsakers Dagny